Source code for creopyson.drawing

"""Drawing module."""

[docs] def add_model(client, model, drawing=None): """Add a model to a drawing. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client. model (str): Model name. drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults is Current active drawing. Returns: None """ data = {"model": model} if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing return client._creoson_post("drawing", "add_model", data)
[docs] def add_sheet(client, position=None, drawing=None): """Add a drawing sheet. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client. position (int, optional): Position to add the sheet. Defaults: Sheet will be added to the end. drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults is current active drawing. Returns: None """ data = {} if position is not None: data["position"] = position if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing return client._creoson_post("drawing", "add_sheet", data)
[docs] def create( client, template, model=None, drawing=None, scale=None, display=None, activate=None, new_window=None, ): """Create a new drawing from a template. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client. template (str): Template model (str, optional): Model name. Defaults: Current active model. drawing (str, optional): New drawing name. Defaults: A name derived from the model's instance name. scale (float, optional): Drawing scale. Defaults is `1.0`. display (boolean, optional): Display the drawing after open. Defaults is False. activate (boolean, optional): Activate the drawing window after open. Defaults is False. new_window (boolean, optional): Open drawing in a new window. Defaults is False. Returns: (str): New drawing name. """ data = {"template": template} if model is not None: data["model"] = model if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing if scale is not None: data["scale"] = scale if display is not None: data["display"] = display if activate is not None: data["activate"] = activate if new_window is not None: data["new_window"] = new_window return client._creoson_post("drawing", "create", data, "drawing")
[docs] def create_gen_view( client, model_view, point, drawing=None, view=None, sheet=None, model=None, scale=None, display_data=None, exploded=None, ): """Create general view on a drawing. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client model_view (str): Model view to use for the drawing view orientation. point (dict): Coordinates for the view in Drawing Units. drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults: current active drawing. view (str, optional): New view name. Defaults: the model_view parameter. sheet (int, optional): Sheet number. Defaults: current active sheet on the drawing. model (str, optional): Model for the view. Defaults: current active model on the drawing. scale (float, optional): View scale. Defaults: the sheet's scale. display_data (dict, optional): Display parameters used to create the view. Defaults: Creo defaults. exploded (boolean, optional): Whether to create the view as an exploded view. Defaults is False. Returns: None """ data = {"model_view": model_view, "point": point} if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing if view is not None: data["view"] = view if sheet is not None: data["sheet"] = sheet if model is not None: data["model"] = model if scale is not None: data["scale"] = scale if display_data is not None: data["display_data"] = display_data if exploded is not None: data["exploded"] = exploded return client._creoson_post("drawing", "create_gen_view", data)
# TODO: JLpoint Method for point # TODO: ViewDisplayData method for display_data
[docs] def create_proj_view( client, parent_view, point, drawing=None, view=None, sheet=None, display_data=None, exploded=None, ): """Create projection view on a drawing. When specifying the view coordinates, you should specify only an X or a Y coordinate to avoid confusion. If you specify both coordinates, it appears Creo may be using whichever has the larger absolute value. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client parent_view (str): Parent view for the projection view. point (dict): Coordinates for the view, relative to the location of the parent view, in Drawing Units. drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults: current active drawing. view (str, optional): New view name. Defaults: Creo's default name for a new view. sheet (int, optional): Sheet number. Defaults: current active sheet on the drawing. display_data (dict, optional): Display parameters used to create the view. Defaults: the display parameters of the parent view. exploded (boolean, optional): Whether to create the view as an exploded view. Defaults is False. Returns: None """ data = {"parent_view": parent_view, "point": point} if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing if view is not None: data["view"] = view if sheet is not None: data["sheet"] = sheet if display_data is not None: data["display_data"] = display_data if exploded is not None: data["exploded"] = exploded return client._creoson_post("drawing", "create_proj_view", data)
[docs] def create_symbol( client, symbol_file, point, drawing=None, replace_values=None, sheet=None ): """Add a symbol instance to a drawing. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client symbol_file (str): Name of the symbol file. point (dict): Coordinates for the symbol in Drawing Units. drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults: current active drawing. replace_values (dict, optional): Object containing replacement values for any variable text in the symbol. Defaults to None. sheet (int, optional): Sheet number (0 for all sheets). Defaults: the symbol will be added to all sheets. Returns: None """ data = {"symbol_file": symbol_file, "point": point} if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing if replace_values is not None: data["replace_values"] = replace_values if sheet is not None: data["sheet"] = sheet return client._creoson_post("drawing", "create_symbol", data)
[docs] def delete_models(client, model=None, drawing=None, delete_views=None): """Delete one or more models from a drawing. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client model (str, optional): Model name (wildcard allowed: True). Defaults: all models will be deleted from the drawing. drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults: current active drawing. delete_views (boolean, optional): Whether to delete drawing views associated with the model. Defaults is False. Returns: None """ data = {} if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing if model is not None: data["model"] = model if delete_views is not None: data["delete_views"] = delete_views return client._creoson_post("drawing", "delete_models", data)
[docs] def delete_sheet(client, sheet, drawing=None): """Delete a drawing sheet. An error will occur if you try to delete the only sheet in a drawing. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client sheet (int): Sheet number. drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults: current active drawing. Returns: None """ data = {"sheet": sheet} if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing return client._creoson_post("drawing", "delete_sheet", data)
[docs] def delete_symbol_def(client, symbol_file, drawing=None): """Delete a symbol definition and its instances from a drawing. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client symbol_file (str): Name of the symbol file. drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults: current active drawing. Returns: None """ data = {"symbol_file": symbol_file} if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing return client._creoson_post("drawing", "delete_symbol_def", data)
[docs] def delete_symbol_inst(client, symbol_id, drawing=None): """Delete a specific symbol instance from a drawing. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client symbol_id (str): ID of the symbol instance. drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults: current active drawing. Returns: None """ data = {"symbol_id": symbol_id} if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing return client._creoson_post("drawing", "delete_symbol_inst", data)
[docs] def delete_view(client, view, drawing=None, sheet=None, del_children=None): """Delete a drawing view. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client view (str): View name. drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults: current active drawing. sheet (int, optional): Sheet number; if filled in, the view will only be deleted if it is on that sheet. Defaults: Delete the view from any sheet. del_children ([boolean, optional): Whether to also delete any children of the view. Defaults is False. Returns: None """ data = {"view": view} if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing if sheet is not None: data["sheet"] = sheet if del_children is not None: data["del_children"] = del_children return client._creoson_post("drawing", "delete_view", data)
[docs] def get_cur_model(client, drawing=None): """Get the active model on a drawing. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults: current active drawing. Returns: (str): Model name. """ data = {} if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing return client._creoson_post("drawing", "get_cur_model", data, "file")
[docs] def get_cur_sheet(client, drawing=None): """Get the current drawing sheet. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults: current active drawing. Returns: (int): Sheet number. """ data = {} if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing return client._creoson_post("drawing", "get_cur_sheet", data, "sheet")
[docs] def get_num_sheets(client, drawing=None): """Get the number of sheets on a drawing. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults: current active drawing. Returns: (int): Number of sheets. """ data = {} if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing return client._creoson_post("drawing", "get_num_sheets", data, "num_sheets")
[docs] def get_sheet_format(client, sheet, drawing=None): """Get the drawing format file of drawing sheet. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client. sheet (int): Sheet number. drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults: current active drawing. Returns: (dict): file(str): Format file name, may be null if there is no current format. full_name(str): Format full name. common_name(str): Format common name. """ data = {"sheet": sheet} if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing return client._creoson_post("drawing", "get_sheet_format", data)
[docs] def get_sheet_scale(client, sheet, drawing=None, model=None): """Get the scale of a drawing sheet. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client sheet (int): Sheet number. drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults: current active drawing. model (str, optional): Drawing model used to calculate the scale. Defaults: the active model on the drawing. Returns: (float): Sheet scale. """ data = {"sheet": sheet} if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing if model is not None: data["model"] = model return client._creoson_post("drawing", "get_sheet_scale", data, "scale")
[docs] def get_sheet_size(client, sheet, drawing=None): """Get the size of a drawing sheet. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client sheet (int): Sheet number. drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults: current active drawing. Returns: (str): Sheet size. """ data = {"sheet": sheet} if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing return client._creoson_post("drawing", "get_sheet_size", data, "size")
[docs] def get_view_loc(client, view, drawing=None): """Get the location of a drawing view. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client view (str): View name. drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults: current active drawing. Returns: (dict): x (float): X-coordinate of the view y (float): Y-coordinate of the view z (float): Z-coordinate of the view """ data = {"view": view} if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing return client._creoson_post("drawing", "get_view_loc", data)
# TODO: return a tuple (x,y,z)?
[docs] def get_view_scale(client, view, drawing=None): """Get the scale of a drawing view. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client view (str): View name. drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults: current active drawing. Raises: Warning: error message from creoson. Returns: (float): View scale. """ data = {"view": view} if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing return client._creoson_post("drawing", "get_view_scale", data, "scale")
[docs] def get_view_sheet(client, view, drawing=None): """Get the sheet number that contains a drawing view. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client view (str): View name. drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults: current active drawing. Returns: (int): Sheet number. """ data = {"view": view} if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing return client._creoson_post("drawing", "get_view_sheet", data, "sheet")
[docs] def is_symbol_def_loaded(client, symbol_file, drawing=None): """Check whether a symbol definition file is loaded into Creo. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client symbol_file (str): Name of the symbol file. drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults: current active drawing. Returns: (boolean): Whether the symbol definition is loaded into Creo. """ data = {"symbol_file": symbol_file} if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing return client._creoson_post("drawing", "is_symbol_def_loaded", data, "loaded")
[docs] def list_models(client, model=None, drawing=None): """List the models contained in a drawing. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client model (str, optional): Model name filter (wildcards allowed: True). Defaults: no filter. drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults: current active drawing. Returns: (list:str): List of model names in the drawing. """ data = {} if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing if model is not None: data["model"] = model return client._creoson_post("drawing", "list_models", data, "files")
[docs] def list_symbols(client, drawing=None, symbol_file=None, sheet=None): """List symbols contained on a drawing. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults: current active drawing. symbol_file (str, optional): Symbol file name filter. Defaults: no filter. sheet (int, optional): Sheet number (0 for all sheets). Defaults: The symbol will be added to all sheets. Returns: (list:dict): List of symbols in the drawing. id (int): Symbol ID. symbol_name (str): Symbol name. sheet (int): Sheet number. """ data = {} if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing if symbol_file is not None: data["symbol_file"] = symbol_file if sheet is not None: data["sheet"] = sheet return client._creoson_post("drawing", "list_symbols", data, "symbols")
[docs] def list_view_details(client, view=None, drawing=None): """List the views contained in a drawing, with more details. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client view (str, optional): View name filter (wildcards allowed: True). Defaults: no filter. drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults: current active drawing. Returns: (list:dict): List of views in the drawing name (str): View name. sheet (int): Sheet number. location (dict): Coordonates x (float): X-coordinate of the view y (float): Y-coordinate of the view z (float): Z-coordinate of the view text_height (float): Text Heigh in Drawing Units. view_model (str): View model name. simp_rep (str): View simplified rep name. """ data = {} if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing if view is not None: data["view"] = view return client._creoson_post("drawing", "list_view_details", data, "views")
[docs] def list_views(client, view=None, drawing=None): """List the views contained in a drawing. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client view (str, optional): View name filter (wildcards allowed: True). Defaults: no filter. drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults: current active drawing. Returns: (list:str): List of views in the drawing. """ data = {} if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing if view is not None: data["view"] = view return client._creoson_post("drawing", "list_views", data, "views")
[docs] def load_symbol_def(client, symbol_file, symbol_dir=None, drawing=None): """Load a Creo symbol definition file into Creo from disk. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client symbol_file (str): Name of the symbol file. symbol_dir (str, optional): Directory containing the symbol file; if relative, assumed to be relative to Creo's current working directory. Defaults: Creo's current working directory. drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults: current active drawing. Returns: (dict): Symbol definition. id (int): ID of the loaded symbol. name (str): Symbol Name of the loaded symbol. """ data = {"symbol_file": symbol_file} if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing if symbol_dir is not None: data["symbol_dir"] = symbol_dir return client._creoson_post("drawing", "load_symbol_def", data)
[docs] def regenerate(client, drawing=None): """Regenerate a drawing. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults: current active drawing. Returns: None """ data = {} if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing return client._creoson_post("drawing", "regenerate", data)
[docs] def regenerate_sheet(client, sheet=None, drawing=None): """Regenerate a sheet on a drawing. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client sheet (int, optional): Sheet number (0 for all sheets). Defaults: all sheets will be regenerated. drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults: current active drawing. Returns: None """ data = {} if sheet is not None: data["sheet"] = sheet if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing return client._creoson_post("drawing", "regenerate_sheet", data)
[docs] def rename_view(client, view, new_view, drawing=None): """Rename a drawing view. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client view (str): Old view name. new_view (str): New view name. drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults: current active drawing. Returns: None """ data = {"view": view, "new_view": new_view} if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing return client._creoson_post("drawing", "rename_view", data)
[docs] def scale_sheet(client, sheet, scale, drawing=None, model=None): """Set the scale of a drawing sheet. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client sheet (int): Sheet number. scale (float): View scale. drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults: current active drawing. model (str, optional): Drawing model to scale. Defaults: tThe active model on the drawing. Returns: None """ data = {"sheet": sheet, "scale": scale} if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing if model is not None: data["model"] = model return client._creoson_post("drawing", "scale_sheet", data)
[docs] def scale_view(client, scale, view=None, drawing=None): """Set the scale of one or more drawing views. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client scale (float): View scale. view (str, optional): View name (wildcards allowed: True). Defaults: all views will be scaled. drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults: current active drawing. Returns: (dict) succes_views (list): List of view which were successfully scaled. failed_views (list): List of view which failed to scale. """ data = {"scale": scale} if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing if view is not None: data["view"] = view return client._creoson_post("drawing", "scale_view", data)
[docs] def select_sheet(client, sheet, drawing=None): """Make a drawing sheet the current sheet. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client sheet (int): Sheet number. drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults: current active drawing. Returns: None """ data = {"sheet": sheet} if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing return client._creoson_post("drawing", "select_sheet", data)
[docs] def set_cur_model(client, model, drawing=None): """Set the active model on a drawing. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client model (str): Model name. drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults: current active drawing. Returns: None """ data = {"model": model} if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing return client._creoson_post("drawing", "set_cur_model", data)
[docs] def set_sheet_format(client, sheet, file_format, dirname=None, drawing=None): """Set the drawing format file of a drawing sheet. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client. sheet (int): Sheet number. file_format (str): Format file name. dirname (str, optional): Directory name containing the file format. Defaults to None is current working directory. drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults to None is current active drawing. Returns: None """ data = {"sheet": sheet, "dirname": dirname} if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing if file_format is not None: data["file"] = file_format return client._creoson_post("drawing", "set_sheet_format", data)
[docs] def set_view_loc(client, view, point, drawing=None): """Set the location of a drawing view. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client view (str): View name. point (dict): Coordinates for the view in Drawing Units drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults: current active drawing. Returns: None """ data = {"view": view, "point": point} if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing return client._creoson_post("drawing", "set_view_loc", data)
[docs] def view_bound_box(client, view, drawing=None): """Get the 2D bounding box for a drawing view. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client view (str): View name. drawing (str, optional): Drawing name. Defaults: current active drawing. Returns: (dict): xmin (float): Minimum X-coordinate of drawing view. xmax (float): Maximum X-coordinate of drawing view. ymin (float): Minimum Y-coordinate of drawing view. ymax (float): Maximum Y-coordinate of drawing view. """ data = {"view": view} if drawing is not None: data["drawing"] = drawing return client._creoson_post("drawing", "view_bound_box", data)